I picked this two mainly because I did a little research on both of them and discovered that I had a little in common with both of them. Charlie Howard was actually a hate-crime the author wrote of how he felt or thought during his last minutes. Charlie Howard was teased to the point of his death. His death got a lot of attention nationally in the news and gave more light about hate-crimes. Joy Harjo’s “The Woman Hanging from the Thirteenth Floor Window” is about how everyone handles their destiny and the choices we make. We can either make the best choice possible or hang from the thirteenth floor window.
These two poems did not really impact me at first mainly because I don't really like reading poems.
Unless I know what they are talking about. That is why I went ahead and did some research. I found
out that the poem "Charlie Howard's Descent" was crime committed in Bangor, Maine July 7, 1984.
Three young man made the decion to tease and chase Charlie Howard and his friend till pushing him
over a bridge to his death.
I love to read about crimes and the fact that the poem is about a crime and
the maybe last thoughts of the victim gave it more feeling. "The Woman Hanging from the Thirteenth
Floor Window" definatly got to me beacause its about lifes decisons and three years ago I had to make
a life changing decison. I had to decide if to keep my baby or abortion. I kept her and life is upside
down loving every minute. Both of them talk about two completely different thing but have the same
meaning everything is about the decions you make with your life and others.
If you want to know more about Charlie Howard or hate-crimes Here is a link that might be